Your Guide to Making the Most of Expensive, Hard-to-get-to Medical Appointments

You’ve finally secured that coveted appointment with a medical professional, and you might even feel a brief sense of relief that you even got in. But beneath that feeling, you know this is just the beginning. You still have to figure out how to get there, what to bring with you, how you’re going to pay for this appointment — not to mention, what you need to share with this medical professional to make the most of your time and efforts.

We understand this feeling of overwhelm, so we put together a guide to walk you through the steps while leading with your own power.

If you use this guide, let us know what was helpful and what could be improved - we’ll make the changes!


The Evolution of PNH: From Discovery to Modern Treatments


Sanfilippo Syndrome & the Shortcomings of Randomized Controlled Trials