The Folia Blog
[Updated Aug 14, 2021] Should I get the COVID-19 vaccine?
Feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the vaccine news lately? See below for a Folia digest on the latest and greatest information on COVID-19 vaccines, focused on what you need to know to make an informed choice. Featuring info on immune deficiencies, side-effects, and differences between the vaccines.
Convalescent Plasma Therapy: How COVID-19 is Shedding Light on Plasma Shortages
As blood donation centers are scaling up their ability to accept convalescent plasma donations, we've assembled resources for how you can help, regardless of whether you have contracted coronavirus:.
Coming together over Corona
Paul, an adult living with CVID and the original inspiration for Folia, shares how the self-quarantine has brought him opportunity for connection.
New Name, New Routine, and a New Village of Support in the PI Community
Ashley is mom to Finn, who was diagnosed with PI in April 2019. In this blog post, she shares with Rebekah her initial reactions to Finn’s diagnosis, drive to the appointments, Infusion Thursdays, and the village of support.