Deleting your Folia Health Account

Deleting your Folia account will permanently delete:

  • All personal data you used to sign up for Folia Health, including your name, date of birth, and phone number

  • All data that you have entered into the Folia Health application

If you wish to delete your Folia account and associated Folia data, follow the steps below. It may take up to 30 days from the time of your request for your data to be deleted.

How to delete your account:

Option 1: Delete account through the Folia mobile app:

In the app, go to Profile > Account Management > Delete Account. This will automatically send a deletion request to our team, which will be processed within 30 days.

After you send this request, you can simply remove the Folia Health app from your mobile device.

Option 2: Send account deletion request through email:

If you have already removed the Folia Health app from your mobile device, if you typically access Folia through your web browser, or if you have any other issues with the deletion process outlined above, email us at [email protected] to request your account and associated Folia data to be deleted. 

  • You will need to provide the email for the account that you wish to delete. 

  • You will also be required to verify the account before the deletion request can be processed.

Once these steps are complete, your deletion request will be processed within 30 days.

Questions? Email us at [email protected] and we can help!