The Folia Blog
Parenting in the time of Coronavirus: What CF can teach the general public
Coronavirus has created a new normal: social distancing, childcare disruptions, self quarantining, constant hand sanitizing, and risk levels changing by the hour. However, many of these experiences are the everyday reality of people living with underlying health conditions.
Myra, mom to two children with CF, shares some of the wisdom she has acquired over the years, and what she hopes people take away from this experience to help everyone live a healthier life.
Coming together over Corona
Paul, an adult living with CVID and the original inspiration for Folia, shares how the self-quarantine has brought him opportunity for connection.
Figuring Out How to Keep Bennett Safe Through the Coronavirus
Breck, a CF mom, shares practical tips on navigating coronavirus with an underlying health condition and surviving a self quarantine.